In an article posted at NextGov, multiple state and local law enforcement agencies are calling for federal funding to create a national information sharking network. Most states have fusion centers that gather information from around the state and serve as a hub for regional data sharing; however, creating a national network would allow state and regional fusion centers to more easily communicate with fusion centers across the country so they can more effective at identifying potential terrorist threats and help in ongoing criminal investigations at a national level.

“The sharing of intelligence done right is the tip of the spear in combating terrorist attacks and the kind of violence we’re now seeing along the southwest border,” said subcommittee chairwoman Jane Harman, D-Calif. “It won’t be a bureaucrat in Washington that will thwart the next terrorist attack; it will be a cop on her beat. Fusion centers are the tool to empower that cop to know what to look for and what to do. But steps need to be taken to do this right.”

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