Commissioner Davis

Commissioner Davis

Boston Police Commissioner Edward F. Davis, last week, announced a new policy for Boston cops: firing any officer caught lying in the line of duty. As Davis explained:

This is a no-brainer – everybody understands truthfulness is fundamental to being a police officer.

I would agree with Davis, this seems like the type of policy that should not even need to be an official policy. It should be a no-brainer. Lying is not a quality we should cultivate in our law enforcement officers and organizations. In fact, honesty should be the standard across the board.

Granted, law enforcement is an extremely fraternal organization where officers from all different areas and all different circumstances share a brotherhood (or sisterhood). When that fraternal order is threatened by misconduct or other reasons, some officers may feel that it is necessary to lie and protect their own. Or some officers may lie so the bad guys don’t get away with a crime based on a technicality or a simple mistake, in the name of “real” justice. But whenever there is a layer of deception by those who have sworn to uphold and enforce the law, we all lose, and justice is not served.

Hopefully, more departments don’t have to follow suit and declare an official “no lying “ policy. It should already be a part of who a law enforcement officer is. No policy can substitute for integrity.

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