Students from the University of Florida are working with local law enforcement to prevent crime through environmental design. Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) is a way of approaching crime prevention by looking at environmental factors like lighting, traffic flow, ambush points and shrubbery.

The UF students are examining local businesses, evaluating them from a design perspective, and making suggestions for improvement. They’ve partnered with police in their efforts and are lobbying the city council to require CPTED compliance for local businesses.

Not only is CPTED a new and effective way to look at crime prevention efforts, but as local law enforcement departments partner with local residents, they will build relationships and create better communication between citizens and law enforcement. And those relationships will help law enforcement and citizens stay in touch and prevent crime before it even happens.

Is there a chance to do this in you area?

For more information on how they use CPTED to evaluate local businesses, read the full article here:

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